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Infant Feeding

Here you will find contacts for your local feeding support, whether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding or a combination of both plus any other information relating to supporting you with your baby feeding journey.


Infant Feeding Specialist Team

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust maternity services were awarded as being a fully accredited Baby Friendly unit in Dec' 2017. 



Contact: 01480 414110 / 07599 101 667

NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Infant Feeding

Infant Feeding Support Team at Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust


Contact: 0300 029 5050

National Breastfeeding Helpline


9.30am–9.30pm every single day of the year.

All calls are answered by highly trained volunteers, who are also mums who have breastfed.


Contact: 0300 100 0212

Peterborough and Fenland Breastfeeding Support

Qualified Breastfeeding Peer Supporters trained by the NCT, mothers who have experience of breastfeeding or giving breastmilk.


Contact: Text FEED to 60777

La Leche League Cambridge


Mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and information in and around Cambridge.



Contact: 0345 1202 918

Cambridgeshire Breastfeeding Alliance


Brings together breastfeeding supporters in Cambridge.


Sarah Oakley Lactation Ltd


Breastfeeding support, tongue tie division and training across Cambridgeshire, West Suffolk and West Norfolk.




Contact: 07729 629190

Peterborough Hospital Maternity Helpline

This helpline gives you and your partner direct access to a midwife 7 days a week 24 hours a day.


Contact: 01733 677266

Peterborough City Hospital Infant Specialist Midwife - Cathi Rai


Contact: 01733 677219

Hinchingbrooke Hospital Maternity


This helpline gives you and your partner direct access to a midwife 7 days a week 24 hours a day.


Contact: 01480 847480 / 01480 847481

Hinchingbrooke Infant Feeding Specialist Midwife - Chloe Bower-Sloane


Contact: 07880 784955

Cambridgeshire Health Visitors


Contact: 0300 029 5050

NCT Breastfeeding Counsellors (FREE)

Contact: 0300 330 0700

8am - 12pm, 7 days a week, all year round

Northamptonshire Health Visitors



Contact: 0800 170 7055 (option 4)

Breastfeeding Peer Support


Text: FEED to 60777 (Include name and postcode)


Facebook: Page and Group @PeterboroughFenlandBreastfeedingSupport

If you would like to add your details here or know of any other services that you think we should add, please let us know by email

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