Here you will find contacts for your local sling consultant, peer supporter plus any other information relating to supporting you with your baby wearing journey.
Wellington Baby Wearing - Sling Library
Amy is our local Baby Wearing Consultant. She visits the Hub once a month - usually on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Get in touch to book your appointment.
Email: wellingtonchildminding@gmail.com
Contact: 07714 919087
Debi Sheridan - Sling Peer Supporter
Debi runs Everybody Sling Dance and is also a local sling peer supporter.
Website: https://everybodyslingdanc.wixsite.com/debi
Email: everybodyslingdance@gmail.com
Contact: 07531 928075
Cara Holloway - Sling Consultant
A service that provides you with information regarding carrying your baby in a sling; correct fitting, wearing and carrying advise.
Email: cara.s.holloway@gmail.com
Contact: 01480 382274
Everybody Sling Dance - Fitness Class
Gentle Exercise To Make You Happy & Healthy Whilst Bonding With Your Little One!
Website: everybodyslingdanc.wixsite.com/debi
Email: everybodyslingdance@gmail.com
Contact: 44 7531 928075
Debi Sheridan - Sling Peer Supporter
Debi runs Everybody Sling Dance and is also a local sling peer supporter.
Website: https://everybodyslingdanc.wixsite.com/debi
Email: everybodyslingdance@gmail.com
Contact: 07531 928075
Happy Mama Hub
Debi runs Everybody Sling Dance and is also a local sling peer supporter.
Blog: https://everybodyslingdanc.wixsite.com/debi
Guide: https://everybodyslingdanc.wixsite.com/debi